Health & Medical

Common Oral Health Problems and How to Prevent Them

Dental problems are widespread, but most of them are preventable. This article will provide an overview of some of the most common oral health issues and give some recommendations on how one can avoid them. Taking care of your teeth and gums and seeing your dentist regularly are important to prevent oral problems.


Cavities are a common dental disease that develops due to the formation of plaque on the teeth. The bacteria feeds on the starchy and sugary particles that are stuck between your teeth and release acids that dissolve tooth enamel. This can result in the formation of holes within the teeth. To prevent cavities, clean the teeth well with fluoride toothpaste and do this at least twice a day. Fluoride can assist the teeth and make tooth enamel more resistant to acid attack. You should also floss your teeth daily to eliminate the build-up of plaque.

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

This infection affects the tissues and bones surrounding your teeth, referred to as periodontal structures. This is a result of deposits of plaque under the gum line. Gingivitis is a mild inflammation of the gums, while periodontitis is severe inflammation of gums that, if not treated, may cause loss of teeth. To avoid gum disease, maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing your teeth. This helps in monitoring the level of plaque in the body. Dental cleaning can also help to scrape off the accumulated plaque, which may be hard to access using a toothbrush. Taking meals that have adequate vitamins and minerals helps in keeping gums healthy.


Halitosis is usually a result of smells that originate from bacteria in the mouth. In many cases, bad breath is a result of poor oral hygiene or other oral health issues. One way of preventing bad breath includes practicing proper hygiene using a mouthwash. Tongue scrapers can also be useful in eliminating bacteria in the posterior region of the tongue. Drinking enough water eliminates having a dry mouth. Biannual dental checkups and cleaning appointments are beneficial as they help in identifying such problems. Dietary modifications also play a role in dealing with temporary bad breath, which includes refraining from foods such as garlic, onions, and coffee.

Mouth Ulcers

Canker sores are small, shallow lesions that occur on the cheeks, lips, tongue, or under the tongue, or at the base of the gums. They can be triggered by a wide range of factors, such as viruses, stress, hormones, spicy foods, vitamin deficiencies, and some dental products. Ulcers themselves are not infectious; however, they can be very painful, typically taking one to two weeks to heal. The best measure that can be taken to prevent mouth ulcers is, therefore, to reduce contact with known causes. This means that when you have ulcers, do not use any harsh oral products and ensure to brush your teeth properly to avoid worsening the ulcers. Taking foods high in vitamins and minerals may also help in the healing process. If your ulcers do not heal for at least 2 weeks, then you should seek medical advice from your doctor.

Dental Erosion

Dental erosion is the reduction in tooth enamel from contact with acid. Frequent consumption of foods high in acid level can lead to wear and tear of the enamel. This is especially so if the substance is consumed frequently and before going to bed because saliva production reduces when you are asleep. Avoid erosion by avoiding acidic food and beverages during meals and by drinking water to counter the effects of the acids. It is recommended that you wait at least thirty minutes before you brush your teeth after having any form of an acidic substance because the enamel is soft currently.


Dental problems are common, yet taking measures such as brushing and flossing and changing your diet and lifestyle can prevent these problems from occurring. It is important that you pay much attention and be keen on the guidelines that can be used to prevent common oral health complications to avoid contracting them. Oral health is essential to the general health of a person.

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